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I like my yoga like my margaritas, on the rocks.

There are few things that rival the joy I feel when I get on my yoga mat and wiggle my typically brightly painted toes. The feeling of energy radiating through my body as I bend and twist and stretch can be euphoric at times. As if my soul is dancing, child-like, happy, free. Though often taken for granted, the gift of movement is among my favorites. Today was one of those days that I became acutely aware of my love and appreciation for kinetic energy.

My alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. and up I sprang to brush my teeth and throw on my yoga clothes. I drove to Red Rocks giddy with excitement as my morning slumber began to burn off like the early morning dew. There was a gentle chill in the air dissipating as the sun rose, transitioning from those first rays of sunlight to day break.

I arrived early, slowly ascending the steps robotically following the men and women in front of me. There were plenty of spots available inside the amphitheater. I chose one top center where I could still view the mountains and the city of Denver in the distance, while sacrificing being able to make out the details of the teacher on stage guiding us through our practice. She looked as small as my ego felt in this moment. As I sat Indian style, I started to take in the giant orange clay formations around me. They hugged the arena and bordering staircases with strength and stability. Their massive size boasting their grandeur and majesty, as if to say "welcome to my kingdom, you're okay here. I've got you." I relaxed my shoulders and allowed the gratitude for this moment to permeate my entire being. "You're really here," a thought whispered. Practicing yoga at Red Rocks has been on my bucket list since I first saw the event on Instagram two years prior. I remember thinking, without question, that I would do this. I would save up and plan a trip, making an excuse to fly to Colorado on a whim to enjoy yoga on the rocks one summer weekend. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would actually live here, and that attending would be as easy as rolling out of bed early on a Saturday morning. Yet here I am, having one of those surreal moments when you realize what you thought was an errant thought was actually the mustard seed of a new beginning. I guess God and I both knew where on the map I wanted to go, we just had different directions on how to get there. Like usual, His plans were bigger and better than my own.

As the yoga practice began, so did my joy. I imagined it was more than a feeling, but a physical, moveable energy, like a gelatin blob that I could move and bend and push out from me at will. As I stretched my arms out toward the rocks, I playfully commanded my joy blob to expand out from me, filling the stadium with the same love and child-like happiness that was growing in my heart. I imagined joy flowing over the rocks like waves breaking on the shore, in perfect rhythm with my deep Ujjayi breathing as I moved gently between postures. By the time we reached the final seated pose, my eyelids were wet with happy tears. I brought my hands to heart's center and humbly bowed my head to honor my practice, my fellow yogis, my teacher and my all mighty God. Gratitude perforated through every pore in my skin, baring nothing but my soul in it's purest form. If only for a moment, I felt His perfect peace.

I don't know why I ended up in Colorado or what God wants me to do here, but I feel strongly that He's been calling me to come, so that's what I did. Not literally "calling" me, but guiding me. The way life has been unfolding around me, doors opening effortlessly, I couldn't shake the inkling that it just felt right to be here. It still does.

Isn't it wonderful that God calls us to participate in His plan without any clues or rules or expectations? It's like a surprise road trip. You know the destination is ultimately to Him and that he's coming along for the ride, but where you go along the way, you kind of just figure out together. He just gives you a little nudge every now and then and if you follow it, you might just find yourself cruising down those scenic backroads of peace and happiness. Or on a yoga mat in the mountains completely blissed out by His everlasting love.

Reflecting on June 17th, 2016

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